Monday, May 10, 2021

Javascript Practice 47: JS Hero - Two returns


Write a function repdigit that determines whether a two-digit decimal is a repdigit or not. If the decimal is a repdigit, 'Repdigit!' should be returned, otherwise 'No Repdigit!'.

Example: repdigit(22) should return 'Repdigit!' and repdigit(23) should return 'No Repdigit!'.


function repdigit (n) {

if (Number.parseInt(n/10) === (n/11)) {

return 'Repdigit!';

return  'No Repdigit!';



function repdigit(n) {

  let ones = n % 10;
  let tens = Math.floor(n / 10);
if (ones === tens) {

    return 'Repdigit!';


  return 'No Repdigit!';


> in the first example we have used the parseInt function to convert the result of n/10 into an integer
>>> then once it is converted to an integer we check its equality with the result of n/11 
>>> if both the results are equal then we are returned the Repdigit output 
>>> or else we are returned the No  Repdigit output
> in the second example we declare a variable 'ones' 
>>> we initialize it with a value 
>>> like this n % 10; we use the modulo operator
>>> we get the digit in the units place when we use the modulo operator
>>> for eg 58 % 10 = 8; 8 is the remainder when we divide 58 by 10
>>> we then create another variable 'tens' 
>>> we initialize it with a value
>>> like this Math.floor(n/10)
>>> we use the Math.floor in order to round down the value of n/10 to the nearest integer
>>> for eg (20.56589 / 10) = 2.056589 >>>> check in console
>>> Math.floor(2.056589) = 2 >>>> check in console
>>> we use the if / else statement to execute the code 
>>> if the digits in the ones place is strictly equal to the digits in the tens place we shall get Repdigit 
>>> else we get No Repdigit

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